Time to get Fit with your Doggo

Fitness app CardioCast launches guided workouts for you and your dog

Sam Kirk


Image via web.cardiocast.app

Confirmed: There IS an app for everything. Popular audio fitness app CardioCast recently released Walk & Jog With Your Dog, an app offering 30 minute guided workouts for you and your pup. A fitness coach designed the workouts with his dog as a way to motivate humans, and to keep their best friends in shape. Please note: During the R&D phase, both coach and dog wore fitness trackers.

We should have seen this coming. With fitness tech surging as pandemic-driven dog adoptions boomed, it was only a matter of time until the curves crossed. That said, despite favorable market conditions, it’s very unclear whether the concept can be extended to cats.

To any Count.It members or blog readers who work out with their dog/are going to start now: Please tell us about your experiences!

