Springtime and Scientific Wellness Challenges

Oliver Ryan
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2024


The Challenge Admin News — May Edition

Spring is in the air, and our new Count.It Journey app is…blooming! Count.It has now host hundreds of thousands of group challenges since since our first leaderboard went live in 2015, and we’ve been pouring all of that experience into the new platform. We believe Journey is the most engaging and affordable team-building tool on the planet — perhaps other than a pizza party in the conference room. 😂 Our latest innovation? Evidence-based, structured goals.


In the past year, many admins have asked to be able to set specific, structure goals for their challenges. For example:

  • 10 miles running per week
  • 30 mins of exercise, 5 times per week
  • 15 mins of meditation, 7 days a week

One might think it common for a challenge platform to support real world fitness goals, but…it’s not. Most existing apps are based on leaderboards, where the only logic is: “Whoever does the most, wins.”

On Count.It Journey, admins can now choose from a growing collection of goals, or goal combinations, to structure their challenges…

Pick a ChallengeGoal!

And, to help admins choose, each challenge gets it’s own “hero” page, with notes and fun facts…

Goal Page for Champ 1

As a significant bonus, many of our new goals mirror the evidence-based physical activity recommendations coming from major heath organizations, including the American Heart Association, the CDC, and the World Heath Organization. 👍

Everyone loves a competitive leaderboard challenge, but the dirty secret is that leaderboards are most motivating to those at the top, and far less so everyone else. With structured goals, challenge participants can sign up for, and complete, a wellness challenge that is meaningful to them — and they can succeed regardless of what everyone else does! It’s simple, but revolutionary, and we’re adding more cool goals weekly.

Note to satisfied customers: If you were happy with our simple, old leaderboard challenges on Count.It Classic, not to worry: This is not an either-or situation, but rather it’s both-and: Count.It Journey can still easily power traditional “do as much as you can” leaderboard challenges. In fact, it actually does both at the same time!

