It’s the engagement, stupid!

Oliver Ryan
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2021


Companies around the globe are experiencing record employee turnover. Burnt out workers are quitting, job switching, or phoning it in at work. That was well known, and the pandemic widely and correctly blamed. But, according to new polling data from Gallup, not all companies are suffering the same fate. Some organizations are not losing their people, or their productivity, and, it turns out, the key difference is not compensation levels, or even the the box seats at the Lakers game. It’s about community and culture. In a word, Gallup says “engagement” is the key indicator. Axios summarizes the study neatly:

Companies doing the best tend to have a higher purpose than mere profit, first-rate internal communications on a weekly cadence, and a culture with a heavy emphasis on diversity, inclusion and transparency.

Corporate wellness programs may not solve problems of diversity, but at Count.It we’ve seen first hand how they can be a powerful tool for purpose, communication, and inclusion.

‘nuff said!

